Sunday, July 02, 2006

Do We Believe?

As I pondered the post answering the last question in the "Gifts or Idols" series, I couldn't shake the feeling that we as Christians don't consider the reality of the doctrine of hell, and are thus less than motivated when it comes to evangelism or, more to the point here, the discipling of our children. We are thus willing to follow the ways of the culture and to think that our children won't be part of the over 75% who turn their backs on their faith once out from under the roof of their parents.

So I decided to write more on the topic of hell over at my other blog, "Rise Up and Get Serious," since the question has application far outside the realm of child-rearing.

May we all grasp the doctrine of eternal punishment with more gravity, and may that give us the courage to challenge the culture for the sake of our children's souls.


Anonymous said...

How much of this 75% lost do you think can be attributed to parents shielding their kids too much from the world, not teaching them about such things as other religions, evolution, etc. so the kids are blindsided when they get to college, or otherwise outside the home, and lose their faith because of it? I have heard many stories of people who had no idea there was anything but Christianity out there, and lost their faith, or failed to defend their faith when challenged.

Someone once told me that I should not have a set of children's encyclopedias in my house because it had evolution in it.

Someone once told me to skip the parts about Buddha when studying ancient history, because Buddhism is evil. Didn't matter that Buddha was a historical person, or that it is a fact that a religion is built around him.

Know what I mean?

Charley said...

There may be something to what you say, however I think a greater problem is that we aren't actively discipling our own children. Rather, we drop them off a a Youth Group that tends to entertain more than anything, and think that they are growing in their faith. If they aren't mature in their own belief, then most of the rest won't matter. (Although there is a case to be made that the proper exposure to the things you mention IS a part of discipling!)

Marbel said...

Long time no see. Yes, I agree about the youth group thing. I am so happy that we spent a brief time in a church with an active youth group before our kids were old enough for one. The activities they put on were just plain stupid and had nothing to do with discipleship. "Fear Factor" type events. We left that church for many reasons, and the church we belong to now struggles with the idea of a youth group - knowing that there is a need for activities for youth, but not wanting it to be stupid. I was pleased to learn that our pastor went through the book _Don't Waste Your Life_ with our teens. Now there is a useful activity. Probably not full of fun and belly laughs, not to mention opportunities to make a fool of oneself.